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How To Co-Parent With A Narcissist
The journey begins
Glossary of words used for narcissistic personality disorder
Facing the fear and getting out safely,
The narcissist can not love
It’ll never work
New dreams
Written affirmations
Leaving Checklist
Why do I attract narcissists?
Self care.
No contact, grey Rock, level up. (25:57)
Start no contact.
No contact
No contact rules
What no contact isn’t
Don't feel guilty
Grey Rock
Be prepared
The unsent letter
Emotional detachment.
Help to stay no contact whilst in the trauma bond stage.
Why no contact or limited contact is important.
It ok to cut toxic people out. ( Narcissistic Parents.)
The difference between the silent treatment and no contact (3:04)
More About Grey Rock
All about the narcissist
The types of narcissist
Malignant ( New.)
Eight Characteristics Of A Covert Narcissist
The cerebral
The two faces of a narcissist
The nine characteristics of the narcissistic personality disorder
Male and Female Narcissists
What Is Not A Narcissist
The Female Vulnerable Narcissist
You’re not crazy, what narcissists do.
Signs you’re dealing with a narcissist
Steal your trust
Rebuild your trust.
Rebuild your self-trust
Writing exercise for instincts.
Stop gaslighting making you feel crazy
Overcoming gaslighting written exercise
Keeping your reality
Silent treatment
More about silent treatment
Financial abuse.
Ruin special occasions-example, you were never crazy
Blame shifting phrases
Why they Hoover
Why they argue
Why they argue (15:20)
Why no reaction is best
When they provoke
Dealing with a narcissist
Anger and resentment (4:33)
The smirk
The stare
Walking on eggshells
Is the narcissist watching you?
Why they discard.
Physical effects
Flying monkeys
Some lies narcissistic people will tell you.
Word Salad
Narcissist jealously and envy
No hoover
What do they really feel?
Narcissist and children
Recap on narcissistic traits
Why they discard you.
What they hate.
When they start being nice
Change from black to white.
How the mind games manipulate you.
What they say to win you back.
How narcissist abuse affects your brain.
Tactics narcissists use in conversation.
Why they become obsessed
Mind games narcissistic people play.
More about silent treatment.
How narcissists treat relationships
What are Enablers
Eleven Control Tactics.
Why they hurt people, you can not help them
How they twist and play victim
The narcissist's belongings.
Why they threaten you
Coercive Control
Cognitive dissonance
Patterns of narcissistic behaviour
Why people stay
Narcissist and addition
You’re not crazy, what narcissists do to you.
How they invalidate you,
Narcissist and empathy
Critical thinking, why it’s so hard to communicate with a narcissist
The Breaking Point
Re-cap on trust.
Are they happier with the new partner
The Word Salad
The Aging Narcissist
Recap on the phrases they use to gaslight you through blame shifting and projection
A Narcissist is a thief
Cognitive Distortions
The Narcissist Illusion.
Social media
How to handle a narcissist if you can not remove them from your life.
Disarm the narcissist
Observe don’t absorb technique.
Child custody
Handling the narcissist
If you can not go no contact
Can you bring a narcissist to justice
No reactions
Going to court with the narcissist.
Retreat, Rethink, Respond.
Giving no reaction
Getting them to leave you alone.
How to handle the narcissists smear campaign
Are you a people pleaser
No impact
Parental Alienation
A reminder of why No contact or No reactions are best
How to handle them in court
Disarm an argument with a narcissist
When you want to start dating again
Nine Top Sentances To Disarming A Narcissist..
Why Some Go Back To The Ex
Trying to communicate with a narcissist.
Anger And Resentment
Raising children with a narcissist ex
Parallel parenting a bit about my own journey
Examples for some of the mind games my ex narcissist tried to play.
Manipulation of children.
Advice on raising children with the narcissist
Get the narcissist to leave you alone.
Disarm the narcissist
Games the narcissist might do
Ways to stay ahead of the narcissist
Help with the children
Why They Have Children
The narcissist and their children.
Ways to help children
Raising Happy Children
Observe Don't Absorb
Disarm a narcissist
Boundaries, self care and self esteem
Stick to your boundaries if you have children together.
Your no needs to mean NO
You have to learn to say no
More on boundaries
How they take your boundaries
Getting over your ex.
If you haven't left yet (15:14)
Struggling from the break up.
A broken heart.
Not feeling yourself.
Why are they being so cruel and not giving closure?
What they said about exes
Why have they gone straight back to an ex?
How can they move on so fast?
New Rules.
Handling your emotions .
Getting over the ex.
Detach yourself from the ex.
Written exercises.
When you think you still love them.
More ways to stop loving the ex
Losing The Victim Mindset
Trauma bonding
Trauma bonding
Narcissist Abuse . Syndrome
Trauma Bonding
Break the trauma bond
Radical acceptance written. Exercise
Trauma bond and written excersise
Getting over the.narcissist
Written positive v's negative
Trauma bonding
Fight, flight, freeze or fawn.
More on trauma bonding and recovery
Signs Your Still Trauma Binded And Ways To Recover
Living with Anxiety.
The underlying issues
Overcoming Triggers From The Past
Written anxiety triggers.
Anxiety after a narcissist.
Anxiety recovery
Inner voice
NLP Timeline.
focus on the moment.
The calming point.
NLP pattern interrupt.
Nlp reminder
If you need an anxiety recap.
Losing the old midset thats no longer serving you.
Losing the fear.
Written, fear exercise
Overcoming pain
Written, pain exercise
Written, anger exercises
Victim mindset
Written, what drains you excersise
Changing your beliefs
Limiting beliefs
Losing guilt.
Your greatest asset
Your attitude needs to work for you. (7:21)
Letting go of the past.
Ask yourself?
Let go of anger and resentment.
Dealing with emotions
Revenge and karma
More about Limiting Beliefs
Remove Self-Doubt
How they take your self-confidence, how to reclaim.
Recap on recovery, self-esteem and boundaries
The key to recovery
Recap on how you are thinking.
Remove Judgment From Your Life.
Creating Positively
The six human needs.
Love and connection
Why a narcissists will be unhappy with new partner.
Human Needs to Recover from trauma bonding video
Human needs help
More about Recovery.
Self Care.
Adrenal fatigue
When you hit rock bottom.
Learn to love and create yourself again.
Stop thinking about problems
Reprogram your mind.
Making new friends
Letting go.
If you still have pain.
Removing them from your life.
More about recovery
Re program your mindset, create a new life
Moving forwards.
Your new life.
Healing diary.
Creating new dreams.
Never give up on yourself.
Find your focus
We all have bad days.
Your allowed off days, keep going.
Keep going.
Finding your happiness
Signs You Are Healing
Teach online with
Losing the fear.
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